Saturday, October 4, 2008

Help !!

Imagine this...A cool ocean breeze moving your hair from side to side. The sun gently warms your skin. The masues (insert name) starts gently massaging your shoulders, just as you start to relax and allow the drool to start falling. Off in the distance you hear someone yelling, you look up and you hear...(this is where you realize you were dreaming) in fact you are being beckoned with a slight tug and a very loud "MOMMY, MOMMY hep me, hep me! Mommy, hep me, my butt is fawing off!" For those of you who don't speak Gabbinese let me translate, "Help, my pajama pants are too big and they keep falling down".

Ok so does it make me a bad mother that I rolled around laughing for a couple of minutes before helping Gabbie pull up her big pj pants? Gabbie is always making us laugh. She is now 2 and some months old, she is somewhat potty training. Somewhat in that she can go #2 but usually chooses not to. Our timing was just right yesterday, I helped on to the toilet where she was successful. Gabbie hopped off the toilet and informed me that "I went poopies and now I flush the poopies bye,bye,". She is a nut, a very cute nut.


Mrs. O said...

That is so cute - Cali told me about it and we had a good laugh over it.

I hope you're feeling better soon!

MamaB said...

Too Funny, I can totally imagine that.