Sunday, October 12, 2008

Memory Lane

I saw this on my sisters blog and thought it would be fun.

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together.
It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot. Anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people
leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty fun to see the responses.
If you leave me a memory about me, I'll check if you are playing the game
and I'll come to your blog and leave one to you.
It's easy just try it.


Up in Bubbles said...

Memories, so many memories.
Do you remember sneaking chocolate chips from the cuboard and then hiding behind Mom and Dads water bed. The frame of the bed left a nice big whole to hide in.
I also remember playing coutless hours in our closet climbing all over the shelves but mostly hiding on the top one.

You also can't forget the dances we had in our unfinished basement, and trying to decorate it with lights and make it look cool.

Then when the basement was done me and you got to share the basement room and we spilled bright red fingernail polish on the carpet. We were so freaked out and tried everything to get it out. Just when we thought we were toast we thought of fingernail polish remover and as luck would have it, it worked. We were saved.

Stacy said...

I remember putting on plays for the neighborhood in our basement. i also remember when Grandma A Brought me a nail polish set from the States for my B-day. I told you and Kelley not to touch it. Turns out you guys did and spilled a bottle. You didn't want me to find out, so you poured the polish between the four bottles and filled them the rest of the way with water. So tricky!

Mrs. O said...

I don't know if I can remember that far back. ;)

I remember when you cut your own bangs and were a chicken in the ECLC play. Also when you walked in your room after a shower (or bath in the bucket)to see a robber coming in through your bedroom window.

I think I remember babysitting you and Kelley and going in and yelling, "No more talking! You face that wall and you face that wall and I don't want to hear any more talking!" Wasn't I a peach of a big sister?

Do you remember going skimming on 2x4s whenever our irrigation turn came? We'd run and hop on the 2x4 and skim across the water - hard but fun.

MamaB said...

I think one of my favorite memories is of you and Kelly playing fashion design on me. You would make me stand on dads black stool while you took blankets and made me dresses. I think i also loved watching you chase and tackle chad, I was in no position to try anything like that and it was fun to see someone get the better of him once and a while ;)

Up in Bubbles said...

TIme to update

Mrs. O said...

Yep, now you need to search all our blogs for this post and leave us a memory.

Mrs. O said...

Can't wait to see your pics from pie day. I also have your dvd.

Terri said...

Let me leave one very proud memory of you as you played Pincchio in the second grade play at the school in Lindon. You did a very good job and had the perfect hair cut to be a really cute little girl playing the part of a boy. I remember being so impressed when your "tail" came off while on stage speaking and you just picked it up went on being a great nonpulsed Pinocchio. I thought for a second grader you were a very mature actress! You were always willing to be in plays and always did such a good job!! Fun memories Love, Mom

Up in Bubbles said...

I heard you took a picture of all the thanksgiving aprons my made. Post a pic please.